Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting a paper abstract or session proposal to the Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association (SSHA), scheduled to be held in Chicago, Nov. 20-23, 2025, with the theme “ Complexity and its Consequences “. The final deadline for submissions is March 1, 2025. By that deadline, the Labor Network welcomes individual paper submissions, full paper panel submissions, book (‘author-meets-critic’) sessions, and roundtable sessions. Ideally, each panel has multiple disciplines and geographic regions represented. We also encourage you to solicit Chairs and Discussants (although we can assist with this), and volunteer for one of these roles if you are attending.
Details for conference can be found here:
The call for papers is available as a pdf
Here is our broader statement of mission:
“The Labor Network of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) brings together scholars interested in work, labor, and working-class and labor movements, as they interact with and are formed by class, race, and gender identities and experiences. Engaged in interdisciplinary research, we come from a range of disciplines, including anthropology, economics, history, labor and working-class studies, political science, and sociology. Areas of interest to scholars in the network include but are not limited to:
Feel free to share this call widely. We hope to see you in Chicago in November.
SSHA Labor Network Reps,
Tristan Ivory, Cornell University
Amanda Walter, Towson University
Gregory Wood, Frostburg State University
Contact Email [email protected]
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12 February 2025