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Call for Applicants: Feinstein Center at Temple University

Call for Applicants: Feinstein Center at Temple University

The Feinstein Center at Temple University announces its annual summer fellowship to support research in the American Jewish experience. Predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars studying any area of American Jewish life are eligible for the grant of up to $4,000. Applications should include a proposal of no more than five pages, a letter of recommendation, a CV, and a detailed budget of how funds will be used. Materials are due by April 1, 2025. We prefer that all application materials be emailed to [email protected].

You may also mail the materials to:

Feinstein Center of American Jewish History​

Temple University

916 Gladfelter Hall 025-24

1115 West Berks Street

Philadelphia, PA 19122-6089

Contact Information

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