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CFP:: Eldritch: New Critical Developments in the Lovecraftian Mythos

CFP:: Eldritch: New Critical Developments in the Lovecraftian Mythos

Call For Proposals

Eldritch: New Critical Developments in the Lovecraftian Mythos


We are inviting scholars, authors, and other creatives to submit essays on recent developments in the mythos of cosmic horror developed by H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937), especially with respect to critical engagements with his life and works, but not exclusively.  The short essays would seek to explore the Lovecraftian inspiration and new creative undertakings in these derivative works.  The aim is to show the ongoing influence of Lovecraft.

For example, The Ballad of Black Tom (2016) by Victor LaValle is written from the perspective of a black protagonist who sees Cthulhu as a savior from racist oppression: it is a wry recasting of the Lovecraftian Mythos as a liberation theology for oppressed minorities!  This is the kind of developments we are proposing to explore in this volume.

With the Genre Fiction and Film Companions Series we are seeking short essays (2,500 - 4,500 words) that aim to be descriptive of the Lovecraftian inspiration and new developments in derivative works, seeking to deepen reader appreciation of themes and significance. 

Please submit a short bio / CV and your abstract of 250-300 words (indicate whether you plan on using images), to David K. Goodin ([email protected]) by March 1, 2025.  Following approval from the publisher, contributors will be notified via email with final submission deadlines. 

We are interested in a broad range of voices and are happy to hear from both academic and independent scholars. All essays published are peer reviewed. Authors whose submissions are accepted for publication will be required to secure permissions for any images that are to be reproduced.

A short list of candidates for possible essays is provided below. 

Proposals for other titles are welcome too!

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