RELCFP is a religious studies call for papers repository. Submissions welcomed.
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CFP: The Journal of Communication and Religion

CFP: The Journal of Communication and Religion

Call for Submissions

The Journal of Communication and Religion publishes original articles that advance communication scholarship pertinent to religion, whether in its grounds, principles, practices, or contexts. Authors are expected to use rigorous theory and modes of inquiry to develop arguments that further knowledge at the intersections of communication and religion. Submissions should be exemplary in scholarship (quantitative, qualitative, interpretive, critical, or rhetorical) and offer constructive insights into religious, societal, and cultural life. Writing should be clear, aesthetically pleasing, and effective. Style should be gender sensitive. The journal accepts articles dealing with communication within the purview of any religion or religious perspective.

##Manuscripts Manuscripts are accepted for publication based on the appropriateness of the criteria above. The journal employs an anonymous peer-review process conducted by at least two members of the editorial board and/or readers and the editor. Suggestions for revision address issues of argument, style, and contribution to the area of communication and religion. The editor makes final publication decisions. Authors should expect an initial decision within four months; the editor will notify authors of editorial progress.

Please submit articles as Microsoft Word attachments directly to [email protected] as two files. One file should contain a cover letter to the editor, with all contact information for the author(s), current institutional affiliation, and prior history of the manuscript. Provide a brief account of the manuscript’s development; please note if it is derived from an M.A. or Ph.D. thesis (include advisor’s name); and indicate if it has been presented at a conference or convention. The second file should contain an abstract of 100 words or less, a list of five suggested keywords, and the manuscript itself, with no indicators of authorship anywhere in the document. Article formatting and citation should conform to current Chicago, APA, or MLA standards. Manuscripts must be 6,500-10,000 words inclusive (all text, notes, and citations) and double-spaced. Submissions to The Journal of Communication and Religion should not be under review at another journal.

Book Reviews

Please submit ideas for book reviews of scholarly books directly to David DeIuliis, University of Pittsburgh, 1117 Cathedral of Learning, 4200 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, or [email protected].