The Australian Association for the Study of Religion (AASR) annual conference will be held November 29 & 30 2024 in Canberra, co-hosted by the Centre for Religion, Ethics, and Society (CRES), St Mark’s National Theological Centre, and United Theological College, at Charles Sturt University’s Canberra Campus.
This conference will consider the theme “Thinking Religion in Place.” We welcome proposals on any topic pertaining to the study of religion, but we are particularly interested in papers that reflect on the significance of place (including the scholar’s own location) to the study of religion. In connection with the relaunch of the Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, we invite scholars to reflect critically both on their place on larger maps, and also on the impact of local and international forces on the phenomena that interest them. *Allpresenters will be required to be members of the AASR by 25 November 2024.** Members of the New Zealand Association for the Study of Religion are exempt from this requirement. Concession fees for the conference and membership registration are available. *
July 26, 2024: Call for Panel Proposals closes
August 30, 2024: Call for Papers closes
Mid-September: Presenters are notified
September, 30 2024: Conference Registration (Early-Bird) opens
November 1, 2024: Registration deadline presenters (Early Bird closes)
November 1, 2024: Conference Registration (Regular) closes
November 1st - 25th, 2024: Apply for or Renew AASR Membership.
For more information please contact us.Â
**Panel Presentations – **Due 26 July, 2024.
Would you like to organise a themed panel for the conference? We have a limited number of themed panel slots of 1.5 hours in the program. Panel proposals can be focused on any theme (including method or theory) in the study of religion. For panel proposals we require: an abstract of 250 words describing the theme/focus of the panel, the names of panel presenters, and a title for each talk where relevant.
**Open Call for Papers – **Due 30 August, 2024
We welcome papers on any topic related to the study of religion for our open sessions. Please submit your proposal using the form below. You will need to provide a title, and an abstract of 150 words.
All presenters will need to be members of the AASR by the time of the conference.
Current members of NZASR do not require AASR membership to present.
Concession fees are available, for both conference registration and association membership. Registration fees will be posted on this website shortly.
This is primarily an in-person conference. We have limited capacity for hybrid panels and zoom presentations. Please get in touch with the conference convenor Bernard Doherty ([email protected] ) to discuss if you require this.
« CFP: Ways of Knowing: A ERAH Graduate Student Conference »
23 July 2024