RELCFP is a religious studies call for papers repository. Submissions welcomed.
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CFP: Special Issue of The Lion and the Unicorn (Twenty-First-Century Religion and Culture in Youth Literature)

CFP: Special Issue of The Lion and the Unicorn (Twenty-First-Century Religion and Culture in Youth Literature)

CFP: Special Issue of The Lion and the Unicorn (Twenty-First-Century Religion and Culture in Youth Literature)

Deadline for submissions of proposals: July 15, 2024 For the full CFP including list of possible topics: Google Drive Link


For any questions, contact Sara Schwebel ([email protected]), Suzan Alteri ([email protected]), or Dainy Bernstein ([email protected]).

From its earliest moments in medieval Britain and colonial America, Anglophone children’s literature was built on a foundation of religion. Even when not positioned as explicitly religious, the dominant British and colonial religion of Christianity infused children’s books with church-based morals, and references to Christmas and Jesus were taken for granted. Since then, religion has continued to be an important aspect of children’s literature, but the relationships between religion, culture, children’s literature, education, and libraries has changed several times. Now, in the twenty-first century, Anglophone children’s literature is often more conscious of religious and international diversity, influenced by movements like We Need Diverse Books and grassroots organizations serving religious and cultural minorities. At the same time, increasing social and political polarization affects the production of children’s literature, especially when controversial topics are so often tied to religious ideologies. Due in part to recent developments - like religious nationalism, the rise of antisemitism and Islamophobia, the splintering of the Methodist church, Pope Francis allowing Catholic clergy to bless same-sex relationships, the growing rate of young adults leaving religious communities, and differentiation within a variety of indigenous and diasporic religions - the time is ripe for reconsideration of academic discussions about the role of religion and belief in children’s literature.

This special issue aims to revive and expand long-standing conversations about the roots and continued presence of religion in children’s literature beyond consideration of early Christian influences. For example, children’s literature has been shaped by many developments including:

With an eye towards interfaith dialogue and inclusion, we will feature a variety of perspectives on religion and culture in children’s and young adult literature.

We invite submissions of proposals for a special issue of The Lion and the Unicorn to be published Spring 2026. Please submit abstracts of 400-500 words for full-length essays (8,000-10,000 words) addressing, challenging, and/or developing ideas about the current state of religion and culture, broadly defined, in texts for children and young adults in a variety of religious and cultural contexts. We especially encourage papers considering non-Western and non-Abrahamic religious traditions, papers engaging with intersectionality, and papers considering old ideas in a new light.

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