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Call for Papers: Religion and the Work of Art

Call for Papers: Religion and the Work of Art

Equinox Publishing, UK and CrossCurrents (University of North Carolina Press).

S. Brent Rodriguez-Plate has pointed out that in understanding the relation of religion and art the artwork is often less important than the work of art—that is, the work that art does (Religion and Contemporary Art: A Curious Accord, Bernier and Smith, eds., Routledge, 2023, 424). There is a tendency endemic in art history and the study of art and religion to remain on the level of content, of analysis of the artwork, rather than of the work of art.

In this light we are calling for papers on “Religion and the Work of Art” where the word “work” is meant in its specifically verbal sense: what art does and how it works, specifically in respect of religions. While consideration and analysis of artworks themselves is welcome, the further consideration of the work of art is the required focus of the volume. “Art” is intended in its widest possible sense including conceptual, performative, literary, plastic, audible, and visual arts. Affect Theory and Actor Network Theory are two possible approaches, however, considerations from perspectives as wide-ranging as neuroscience, cognitive science, paleoanthropology, and philosophy are welcome, as are articles on the work of art in specific faith traditions.

Submissions of 5-8,000 words received by the end of August, 2024 will be eligible to appear in a special issue of the journal CrossCurrents, edited by Rodriguez-Plate and guest edited by Bryan Rennie to appear in early 2025. Those articles will be reprinted among others in Religion and the Work of Art, from Equinox Publishing, with possible revisions having benefitted from responses to and discussions of the CrossCurrents issue. Contributions to the Equinox volume may be up to 10,000 words and should be received by December 2024.

Contributors are asked to provide a working title and abstract of approximately 150-200 words, and an author bio, also of approximately 150-200 words. These should be sent to [email protected].

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Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash